in the weekend I went to wellington to see a movie and that movie was zootopia when we went to go and see it we watched it in the theaters when we watched it a lot of people were in it but there was something different about it all of them are animals and they are predator and prey together for ever until something happens ...
Juddy hops! her dream was to be a police officer but when she becomes a police officer she doesn't expect this... parking duty when all the other police officers a working on the missing male case Juddy hops
Nike wilde! he is a suspect in the case that Juddy is working on he is very funny and plays a rool of a fox most coman preditor to rabite
Nike wild!
chief bogo! he is capiten and leder of the hole inter police scwode it isnt funny messing around with him or he will get mad and fire you
chief bogo!

Mr Big he is one of the most dangores person in the world when nike and juddy go to go and look at a limozen and dont relize they are sitting in the middle og Mr Bigs lumozen and get couhte and stolen and taken away to Mr Bigs home and almost get frozen until... Mr Bigs douter stops him frome frezing the pirson how saved her life can you guse how that person was in was juddy
Mr Big!

Flash! he is a sloth when they need to run a nummber plate hes the guy to do it even though he is a sloth he can still do work and run nummber plat since all of them are sloths Flah FLash hundre yard dash

clawhauser! when you see clawhouser you see if in the frount desk when you walk into the DNB he is a donut loving lepad well fat adorabell lepad clawhouser!

Gazelle! and then youhave gizelle now by now you should all know how gizelle is well if you dont lisen closly she is a fomas singer and dancer when she sees the problme wich I will get to in just a second gizelle holds a publice press aginset how animals are treating other animals gizelle!

Finike! well hes a croke he gose around pritending to be a baby when actly he is a crazy little man and he can drive and do evrything

this is nike trying to get a phote but juddy pops in

oh you got in trouble !!!

nike abd a selfe you just cant get enough of your self

just got crowded

now this is flash trying to laugh but
wow mya what an amazing blog
ReplyDeleteWOW! Mya I like the post and the detale in your post!
WOW mya i like how you told us about every character and you had the photo for them great job.